Effects of different compatibility of Corydalis tuber on analgesic effect and its circadian rhythm in mice 延胡索不同配伍对小鼠痛阈昼夜节律影响的实验研究
Fevervine, short-pedicel aconite root, wild aconite root, and corydalis tuber have very good analgesic function which has a dependent relationship with its dosage. 鸡屎藤、雪上一枝蒿、草乌、延胡索均有较好的镇痛作用,且与剂量呈依赖关系。
Studies on the extraction technology of corydalis alkaloid from corydalis tuber 延胡索有效部位提取工艺研究
Conclusion: The method is reliable, sensitive and accurate for improve the certification of herba corydalis tuber. 结论:本方法重现性好,灵敏度高,结果准确可靠。
Result: Corydalis Tuber 、 Pubescent Angelica can be examined out by TLC chromatogram. 结果:在TLC色谱中均能检出延胡索、独活。
HPLC Determination of Quaternary Alkaloid from Herba Corydalis Tuber HPLC法测定延胡索药材中季胺型生物碱的含量